Abstracts are invited from Post-graduates/Senior Residents/Faculty of various medical colleges for presentation at the conference. A specifically constituted Scientific Expert Committee will screen and score the abstracts according to pre-defined objective criteria. All the presenters will receive participation certificates.
General guidelines for abstract submission
- Registration is mandatory before abstract submission.
- No spot registration will be entertained for the presenters.
- The presenting author should be the first author in the abstract. However, he/she must register before the closing date.
- Abstracts should be printed in Times New Roman (font size 12).
- Maximum word limit for abstract is 300 words.
- Please mention the choice of presentation: oral or poster.
- There can be only 1 presenting author for the presentation, other contributors may be listed as co-authors
Format for abstract:
- Registration ID
- Title of abstract
- Authors
- Name of College/Hospital
- Introduction
- Aim & Objectives
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion
For Abstract Submission
Guidelines for poster presentation
- Poster presentations
- Poster should be in Portrait mode
- Poster size/Layout: 4`3
- Kindly follow the basic rules of presentation and use the standard font Times New Roman.
- Tables, graphs, and figures should be appropriately labeled with legends and data labels in place.
- Figures should be of high resolution and details in figures and tables should be visible properly.
- All abbreviations should be explained. Standard units of measurement should be used.
- The presenting author has to be present during the poster display session.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
- Oral presentations
- Oral presentations should be in Microsoft Office PowerPoint format in 16:9 ratio.
- Kindly follow the basic rules of PowerPoint presentation and use the standard font Times New Roman. If you use any special or unique fonts, your presentation may not appear correctly using the session room computers.
- Tables, graphs, and figures should be appropriately labelled with legends and data labels in place.
- Figures should be of high resolution and details in figures and tables should be visible properly.
- The number of slides should be kept to a maximum of 10-12.
- The flow of slides should be as follows:
- Title slide: – It should contain Registration No., Title, Presenting author name and affiliation, Name and affiliation of all co-authors.
- Introduction
- Aim and Objectives
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Discussion and Conclusion
- References in Vancouver style
- Do not include videos in the slides.
- All abbreviations should be explained. Standard units of measurement should be used.
- Avoid using links to any web services in your presentation.
- Each presenter will be given a time slot of 8 minutes in total, which is distributed as 6 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion.